Unlock The Marketing Power Of The Metaverse
Limore Shur
Creative Partner

Our guest, Limore Shur, shares valuable insights on creating customer-centric brand experiences and highlights examples of successful brands in this space. We discuss the latest trends and opportunities for brands in the metaverse, as well as the costs associated with creating high-quality experiences. Additionally, we examine the role of influencer brands and experience creators in shaping the future of marketing in this virtual world. Learn how your brand can unlock the marketing power of the metaverse and win in the next dimension.
This episode of the Leader Generation Podcast is hosted by Tessa Burg, Chief Technology Officer at Mod Op.
Topics From This Episode:
- Latest trends in the metaverse
- Opportunities for brands in the metaverse
- Creating customer-centric brand experiences
- Examples of brands that are doing it well
- How brands can get started
- Costs of creating high-quality experiences
- Influencer brands and experience creators
Watch the Live Recording
Tessa Burg: Hello and welcome to another episode of Leader Generation brought to you by Mod Op. Our guest today is a creative partner who is deep in the exploration of Web3 and the metaverse. We’re really excited to welcome Limore Shur. Limore, thanks for being on our show.
Limore Shur: Thanks, Tessa. It’s great to be here.
Tessa Burg: So, let’s start with a little bit about yourself and your background.
Limore Shur: Okay, sure. The part we all hate the most, right? So, I know Mod Op because I in some ways started Mod Op. I founded Eyeball, a small motion graphics company in my senior year at Pratt in Brooklyn. I grew up in Cincinnati. To a very creative household full of composers, artists, choreographers. So, I was always in the mix. And Pratt, I fell in love with computer animation and started Eyeball which moved from motion graphics to television shows to branding networks. Ultimately to launching products. As we grew, like Kindle for Amazon and lots of Best Buy and Nike work and we merged with a digital agency, Modus Operandi, and became Mod Op. I exited last year, Mod Op, and prior, for about three, four years prior to that I had started consulting outside of it as a creative partner where I would fulfill a brand need, usually founder-led businesses, to have a partner who was the creative. Who like understood future state, strategy, marketing, website, whatever it was that needed better messaging, better approach, et cetera. So I expanded out into that world since then and continue to be creative partner for a variety of really interesting companies.
Tessa Burg: Yes, and that is why we asked you to be a guest today because one of the companies you’re consulting for is playing in this space of the metaverse. So tell us a little bit about what are the latest trends and developments happening in the metaverse? Because I feel like for our listeners, and for me too, a lot of it has felt like buzz or it’s felt like, you know, we’re trying Second Life again and I don’t know if I even liked Second Life the first time around. So,what’s going on today?
Limore Shur: Well I think the metaverse, in the proper way that it’s being spoken about, is really along the lines of where the crypto world, Web3, Decentralized, everything has been moving towards. And people see it sort of like the way we talk about Web2 I even go back. Or even go back to, I think, about motion graphics. How like people were just in these big production companies spending millions and millions of dollars on really big equipment and spending tremendous amount of dollars on getting really powerful work out there. But it took these powerful tools and then Death Cop happened and all of a sudden anybody with a computer could start creating, animating, et cetera. It’s like what synthesizers did to music. Every time they’re seen they’re either like this horrible thing that’s gonna destroy it all. And then you find a few who say like no, this is just an adaptation of whatever we’ve been doing all along. So the metaverse right now to many people does sound like buzz because they’re seeing hype like meta. You know, Facebook. You know, really desperately trying to grab their audience and move them to this place that they know is valuable, but everyone else is going like is this even gonna happen? Right? So they’re making huge bets. I mean they’re throwing billions of dollars and tens of billions of dollars away. Because they’re trying to sort of get to where this sort of growth is happening that most people aren’t seeing. And it’s usually in the youth. I mean parents aren’t even maybe looking at their kids playing Roblox. Which is in many ways a metaverse. It’s not the type that we’re moving towards which are more decentralized. Where they’re more communal and founded around the individual. But it’s happening and that’s Web3. What people have to understand, that inexperience that those kids are playing where they’re creating value in there for toys or scooters or houses. That’s real value to them. And they want to take those things somewhere. So the metaverse that’s ultimately being created is the one where those kids who as they grow up, all those things they’ve been buying digitally are actually gonna be with them. Some of them might be phigital which is the balance of putting physical items on the blockchain and making them trackable and increasing with value as their digital version increases. There’s all this stuff going on underneath. But our kids are doing it and that’s where I think Web2 captured a lot of people by surprise, or even digitizing your brand. Not a lot of people – people are still digitizing their brand. While they should be thinking what’s the dimensional version of their brand right now for Web3.
Tessa Burg: Yeah.
Limore Shur: So, lot of hype. But there’s a lot of business going on. And if you’re anything into crypto as well you understand the power of blockchain and Web3 as well. That whole combination is ultimately the place that we’ll all be in or many of us will have fallen out because we missed it.
Tessa Burg: So, you said something really interesting that, you know, Web3 is this decentralized place. When I think about my brand and how it evolved and what needed to happen with it as we went into the internet and making it more accessible, how does a brand become, or is there an opportunity to decentralize a brand or brand experience?
Limore Shur: I think brands become the portal into the larger experiences. And I think brands are also going to compete for this metaverse attention. I mean let’s just strip away metaverse, okay? There are two things going on. We’re dimensionalizing the web. That’s making VR, AR, dimensional experiences. And people experience those types of things in games like Fortnite where they have value, friends, community. They create content from, they have these rich experiences in worlds. And even more recently Unreal Engine just made it so that you can customize Fortnite yourself with all the same powerful tools. Which is insane. So now artists are creating new dimensions and spaces. So that’s the dimensionalization of the web. That’s happening. And then there’s the digitizing of the world. People are walking around with phones using LiDAR and capture and they’re capturing everything in their home or their apartment, or they’re capturing statues and artwork in museums. And all of that is also being done simultaneously. And kids are doing it a way where they didn’t even know they couldn’t do it. Where we’re looking at it like why are you even doing this? But I might buy a bicycle and digitize it and have a digital version of it. And as I hand that off to somebody else I send, you know, those things gain value over time ’cause experiences have value now. And your time has value. So my simpler way of looking at Web3 is to say that we have to look at it from the individual or the consumer’s point of view. And that is that the consumer is going to become the center of their financial and social sphere. The user is going to build their own network of friends their Facebook. They’re gonna invite those friends to go on these experiences with them. They’ll go shopping together. And they’ll do different things and some of them will be physically in the store and others will be there digitally or augmented with them. So it sounds like future state and sci-fi, but if you’re on LinkedIn and you’re even tapped into this, you’re seeing it every day. You’re seeing that they can take a live soccer game. And use machine learning to turn that player into a 3D physical model that is tracked and animatable. And then you can put yourself in the game. That’s happening now. Like, people are just tapping that technology to figure out how to do it, but I think there’s like at least like 20 to 100 .ai companies. Opening like every month. As far as I can tell there’s literally a dozen new every week that have tools, so this has all been building, but like most of these shifts you just don’t have a lot of hype around it in the traditional space that we all see it. It’s all in Discord. It’s all in these Reddit areas. It’s all in these places where they’re all working together. Mostly in Discord, mostly in these types of platforms that have now become huge business models and platforms that people don’t even realize are happening as well. So it’s happening.
Tessa Burg: And you know, you talked about everything becomes like the consumer at the center. Which is interesting because a lot of brands and a lot of clients talk about we want to become more consumer-centric.
Limore Shur: That’s right.
Tessa Burg: So, this feels like a very natural progression of any company. If you want to be customer-centric, then start giving experiences that your customers want to engage in. What companies, have you seen any companies doing this really well, and any examples of here’s a brand that really stands as a good example of being a portal for a customer-centric experience?
Limore Shur: Well, I would say that, I mean I’ll start with gaming and just say like Fortnite. Epic is… With Unreal Engine, you know, they have a massive platform for this. Their banking on their platform is going to be the main metaverse platform, let’s say. Because Unity’s competing for that. They’re all building AI into this so Luddites like yourself or I who don’t know anything about 3D could be like give a lush forest with, you know, jungle features and pyramids or whatever and it’ll make it instantly for you. So that’s an incredible thing on its own. So that’s what I think as a brand who’s leading the way in, they’re using a game to lead you into this place where your purchasing things have value, et cetera, but then they’ll want you to go to other metaverses. Or other worlds let’s say. The idea of the metaverse ultimately is all the worlds interoperable, you know, where your money, your value, your things, it all works everywhere. But we deal with this every time we build these sort of large ecosystems like the web. Took us a long time to get finance figured out so we could quickly pay for things. And so I think some of the brands that are doing it are just doing smart plays into it like Roblox, like Nike going into Roblox, or Decentralized Land. Like these brands getting into the places where the customers are, so that’s the first step of them saying like we’re coming to you. But that’s what marketing has always been, right? But the level of personalization when we look at the center of the social sphere and brand sphere means that I am now on my website. Let’s say my Web3 site for Limore is all the things I care about. But I also have a really clear idea of expressing what I am into for brands to understand. So I’m not letting them scrape… Excuse me. I’m not letting them scrape for my information orally and come up with some idea of what I might like, because I accidentally bumped on this ad or clicked on that, that they are going to serve me up. I mean we just all get served up with stuff that’s not really built for us. Some of the things they get right and we’re getting better. But with Web3 is I’m going to be still clear. My vision is, and I think a lot of other people, Nike’s going to come up to me and say with whatever coin or value or money I accept they’re going to say I’m going to give you one buck to watch my ad. Because I know you want it. I don’t want to pay Facebook to find you and get a premium cost. They’re just going to end up finding us because those tools are going to make us readily available as consumers. So ,banks will be calling us and saying hey, we’d like to hold your money. Can we give you a little bit of incentive or whatever? So all these rewards and things that we’re used to doing where we’re going, they’re trying to get us little hooks, little things, they make value, et cetera, and now it’s just going to be coming to us and we’re going to set those parameters. Like if you want my attention, that’s how it will play out. It’s not going to be that ideal for a while, but all the things, like look into something like Cardstack. This in my opinion is the WordPress of Web3. Totally loose, functioning tools that you can grab this, grab that, from this source, that source. From this website, that. You can put it on yours, you can personalize your own, you can tell who you want to be able to come on your page or not. You can create your own communities. All of these things are just building to the way that, so people have this real simple operability to just make themselves feel like I can just have my group of friends, I can feel good about my social circle, I can have the right stuff coming to me and the experience gets larger. So brands who are going to create dimensionalized experiences where you’re going to actually just put on the headset, go to their website, and start to experience it? First of all, they’re going to engender like really good will over it immediately because they’re going to be the first ones A, saying to people who have headsets or AR we’ve got something for you. But if they can also create the experience in a 2D way that’s still dimensional which pixel streaming is one of the things that allows for these dimensionalized experiences in 2D to happen as well with no latency, is that ushering those people in will be the brand’s responsibility then to say in my opinion, here’s the rest of the metaverse. And allow them to introduce them into the rest of these experience that they can be tied into. And I think Chanel is doing something interesting with one of my clients which is Mira World. Which is a 3D world. They don’t claim to be a metaverse because the metaverse really doesn’t exist yet because we don’t have all the interoperability. But they’re building a high-fidelity experience for brands. Because they have in mind that brands don’t want to be low-fi. They don’t wanna be in a Roblox. Yeah, Nike can go in there because of their audience, but ultimately it really doesn’t represent Nike’s experience. Nike’s experience is a really high-fidelity one. So is Belvedere. So is, you know, any of the LVMH brands or, you know, but so is a company like Munchkins who makes kids products. They invest a lot in time and design.
Tessa Burg: So if I’m a marketer and I just want to see, especially, I really like this example of Mira in something that, you know, is positioned to help brands become that portal in a high fidelity way.
Limore Shur: Yeah.
Tessa Burg: What do I physically need? Like what type of equipment, connection?
Limore Shur: If I’m a brand?
Tessa Burg: Yeah.
Limore Shur: Yeah, you’re basically going to be running – well first of all, if you’re a brand and you have a metaverse you’re either going to have a partner like a Mira. You’re going to build a one-off. And it’s interesting because we’re going through a period right now where brands are building one-offs. It’s almost like microsites. They had their moment. And right now that’s the moment for these one-off experiences because there aren’t these platforms that you can put your Nike experience in. Or in the case of Mira, let’s just use Mira as a good example. Mira is a three – it was built in Unreal. Started seven years ago. Very high fidelity. I actually have some postcards you can see. It’s super, like it’s supposed to be photo real.
Tessa Burg: Oh yeah.
Limore Shur: They built Paris. They built London.
Tessa Burg: Oh my gosh!
Limore Shur: And it’s stunning. I mean the lighting effect when you’re in there. So it just, what it ends up doing is when you get in there all of a sudden it validates for a brand that once they put on these goggles they go like oh. This could be at the level that I want that I’ve invested hundreds of years. I mean think about somebody’s story like Chanel. And I mention them because they’re one of the investors in Mira because they see the high-fidelity approach is what brands like theirs appreciate, but what it means to the brand though is that like I can deliver a similar experience or a heightened experience. But if I can bring them in through my site, which is an experience, but then there’s more to it like they can go jetpack around the Eiffel Tower. Like I wouldn’t mind shopping in Chanel for this or that. Getting the things I like and having a great Chanel experience. Maybe I learn about, you know, their products a little more. But I think that if there’s more to it, if I continue on, now I’m into a marketplace. And I’ve used them as a portal. So, I think that’s what we tend to, we think of stuff a little bit more jumping from one place to another. Now you’re just connected. Now it’s just more transitional, transformative. More experiential. Going from one place to another and they’re all gonna capitalize on that. In a really big, but it will also be personalized. The more we introduce AI. The more the AI understands our personal desires, our settings. And the more – that’ll be even more customer centric. It literally will get to the level that people will want. At some point it will be I go to a website. And I can type in something and it will make the product for me. Or it’ll make the movie for me. Like that’s what we’re moving towards. So there are all these steps along the way and I think as a marketer you just have to remember we’ve done this over and over. Generation after generation. Technology hits every time and we go through this, but nothing has changed about human nature. Nothing has really changed about the way that we purchase, you know, or the things that we want in our lives. We do have these sort of like expansion/compression things, these maximalist/minimalist times that we go through. But I think as brands it’s always the same stuff. This all rhymes with everything we did in Web2 where now content is king or whatever, you know? I think the key is that we have the opportunity to make the medium less important than the message again if we can get people into these worlds. Because right now we’re at the medium is the message. I feel like marketing’s failing because it’s in a… The phone is more important than the content. It’s just a steady stream of content. And it’s more that I – if you look at me and you say god, he’s with his phone all the time, you wouldn’t say he’s watching this all the time. Because the “this” is everything. So, it’s like these will allow to get way more focused on and get more personal and really get more of the customers that you want rather than trying to get, you know, too many of the wrong ones and the experiences will be really up to the brands to just continue to do what they do and recognize that for the most part the tools are there. They just haven’t been asking the right questions.
Tessa Burg: Yeah. And speaking of like getting into customers, how many people have headsets or even have the correct equipment in their house to engage with a Mira or high-fidelity type experience? I mean do you need to have an AR viewer headset?
Limore Shur: You don’t. That’s the thing because what Epic and these companies have been working on with a lot of the technology companies is pixel streaming. And what pixel streaming is, it’s the ability to use a game engine to run around a game. But in this case it’s your virtual world. So let’s just say. Mod Op’s virtual experience is a gallery of their work. And somebody who’s actually there to walk people around. So, somebody shows in Mod Op’s website, okay? You have thousands of people show up a day. Now thousands of people would be showing up into a gallery. So here I am, I have this virtual experience in the headset. Or let’s say it’s augmented in AR, right? And augmented with like Apple’s glasses that are coming out that I believe are going to be an augmented/VR combo or something. There’s going to be a lot of those different things, but I can also have it as a flat 2D experience with a gaming engine to move around it. To see everything, et cetera. I just won’t have the three-dimensional experience.
Tessa Burg: Okay.
Limore Shur: But I believe that it will quickly push people. To purchase their headsets and prices will come down and they won’t be as, you know, like a novelty item. More and more people are getting them though. Because I would say that more and more I’m hearing from parents yeah, my kid has one. I haven’t used it yet. I think there’s going to be like a watershed moment where it’s just all of a sudden everyone has to get one. ‘Cause they realize they’re missing out on these experiences. Yeah.
Tessa Burg: How does the cost of developing a high-fidelity experience compare to developing a website?
Limore Shur: I think we’re getting into early-stage development money which means it costs more money. I mean I could think about, like it’ll cost like, you know, things will cost like what commercials used to cost when they were really expensive. You know, so half a million dollars to get in. Million dollars to get in. Shouldn’t be a concern, you know? Like that should be expected because it’s about longevity. Now we’re talking about creating something again that lasts a long time. I feel like we go on these periods. We create, we go into it, we create stuff that lasts a long time. Then stuff lasts shorter, shorter, shorter and now it’s like if you’re not making shit every day you’re behind, right? We’re just at this manic stage. It’ll create, because these are experiences. So let’s just say a totally non-traditional idea. Love, Death & Robots, the Netflix show. It’s I think created by Blur. And it’s built in the Unreal Engine. It’s a completely animated show, it’s incredibly successful. It’s really weird and stuff, but imagine now you watch that show but you could put on your headset and walk around all the scenes. You could walk around like an ant looking at these giant characters and scenes and this whole thing you’ve just seen unfold. Or you’re bigger than them looking down or you’re the same size feeling like you’re interacting. And as these tools are now available there are literally 14-year-olds who can make complete movies in Unreal Engine that you would be able to walk around. You go to Art Station, or Behance, and look at Unreal artists. And look at the worlds they’re creating. Where are all those things going to be experienced? They also will be a marketplace. And that’s even the thing I didn’t even talk about here, the creators on this. This is a massive creator economy. I truly believe brands are going to be just people moreso than they are these large things that we see them. Ultimately people really get their audiences and they’re going to be building, you know, influencer brands basically are going to be in the next big brands. But they know their customers, so creators are also really important to this. And an example of Mira’s use of creators is they believe that creators are just as important to them as the brand. So they’ve created a pathway for creators to come in and build these worlds for the clients as well as put their own worlds in there. So even though Mira has the Guggenheim in there, Anish Kapoor had a digital piece that he created. That was going to be a physical place that never happened in the Guggenheim, so he gave it to Mira and they have an original Anish Kapoor. And a couple other artists’ piece in the Guggenheim that you can experience in a virtually real Guggenheim. So there’s that, there’s a creator there, but they also believe that the creators will build all the additional experiences. Not only for themselves, but for the brand. So a group of creators has recently made the most detailed Titanic ever in Unreal. And there’s a game engine. That runs it so you can play around. But when Mira reached out to them and says where, do you want to put this in the port in New York versus just have it as a url in the middle of nowhere? Now people would walk around the Titanic and see New York and if they want they could go fly over to see the top of the Chrysler Building. So here’s an experience, a game, et cetera. Here’s a store over here. Everyone creating interoperability starts to make a lot of sense. Now my value from this game is actually worth clothes over here. So that’s where the Interop, that’s where blockchain, that’s where all of this finance, and if you look at the the investment groups like Sequoia or, you know, A16Z or additional ones, they’re just… People are really looking hard into Web3 and the metaverse because they recognize it. These are the prognosticators. This is the future state, but it’s literally 24 months in my opinion. It’ll be a very quick shift.
Tessa Burg: So, in order to prepare for this very quick shift, if somebody wanted to start today just getting their head around what’s possible, what their branch should be doing, what that experience might be for them, what are the first three things you would recommend marketers do?
Limore Shur: I think one, make sure that they’re going to stick with their strategy. First and foremost. Don’t leave, don’t shift, don’t change. Just modify. It’s recontextualization in general. It’s usually, you know, sort of repackaging, recontextualization that I usually think of. So, it’s how do I live in this world and how does my experience change for my customer? And what you have to think about is this is about as close to real world as having your store is as close to real world. What’s your experience like when you walk in? Is somebody going to greet you now? You know, somebody recently said like, you know, if I personally as an artist had 20 people tell me that they like my drawing, like walked in my room and said I really like that drawing, I would feel great. But when you get 20 likes on Instagram you don’t feel it. Like it’s just not the same overwhelming feeling as 20 people literally coming up to you and saying they like something. So giving people an experience and almost transitioning them in is one way to think about it. Like don’t think of yourself as just in this future state, but brands really should think about like this point of transition. And then speaking with this other woman at some point I hope we get on a call with, she’s working on something that allows us to track the experience. Like that experience becomes the thing that is value. So maybe not a CRM, but how are you tracking this experience? That becomes really interesting. What is the value of that? What is the value of your product when people go into other experiences? Really start to stretch out your thinking from a flat experience to a human experience, a live experience, and what can you add to that? And also know that there’s a ton of magic you can add to all of this. You know, because this is, it is virtual so everything can be heightened. So those things are important. One, don’t change your strategy. Two, think about how you will operate in a real-world situation. How your flat experience now has to expand to be more human, more connected. And more personalized. And then, you know, like what can you add on to that? How can you heighten the experience? How far is your brand willing to go to stretch? You know, people wouldn’t even stretch logos. And now you’re talking about taking stores and turning them into volcanoes with, you know, snow-capped mountains and surfers and whatever it could be. Like it could be anything. Can be wild dragons and et cetera. What are the analogous ideas that are to your brand that you can create, and start just thinking that the word experience is probably the only word you should use anymore. Like not shop, not store, not site, not anything. You are coming to – how is the customer’s experience? What are they getting out of this and how can I make it richer and more sticky and et cetera, but also how can I get good will? Because people who are coming into the metaverse are expecting it to be decentralized. That means they don’t want an authority, they don’t want the rules, they want to know that their stuff has value. That they can move through it. And that’s where we’re going to see I think, one of the partners at A16Z put out an article recently about centralized versus decentralized. And the metaverse has to be decentralized. That’s one of the many components of it is it has to be decentralized. It has to be crypto, I’ll read you the list. “Has to be cryptographically enforced, “open source, transparent, permissionless community, “unbundled and user controlled, user choice, “user network, grassroots and incentives, “direct, diverse and bottom up.” That’s a lot, but if brands are going to come to people that’s like coming to people in the real world.
Tessa Burg: Yeah.
Limore Shur: Like in order to get me into a Nike store it’s a very different thing than it is for me to now shop online. But you’re actually gonna want me to get back in the store again.
Tessa Burg: Yes.
Limore Shur: Maybe online, but also maybe in person because I can shop with you, Tessa. In New York or Kansas or wherever you are today, virtually. If I’m at the Nike store and you’re wearing a VR. We can walk around together. Because it should be a digital twin of the experience and that’s where Mira, I mean foundationally, is based on this idea of digital twins. Which is the reason they got the Eiffel Tower. The Guggenheim. The reason that they’re doing is because once you have the institutions in your metaverse as well, that’s a totally different play. We saw all of the museums digitize their work over the pandemic and try to create virtual experiences during this sort of like death of being able to go into them. So, in many ways they prepared themselves. They’ve gone digitized already. Like the Guggenheim should be able to just show me the Guggenheim and I have a dial that I just dial the years 1948, 1972, and I just get to see the experience that was there at that time. So the potential of all of the digitizing of the world that’s been happening, and the 3D-ification and the dimensionalizing of the web, they’re all gonna meet here. And I would say to any brand who’s questioning this right now or not sure of this is just so late to the game already.
Tessa Burg: So, your point one was commit to your strategy. Point two was think about how you would operate in the real world and really start to think and get a process to digitize what’s physical and make it digital. And then what would be your last point that marketers should be thinking about today?
Limore Shur: Honestly I think the last point is education. They just have to make it part of their funnel that this is the main thing that they’re seeing coming in. ‘Cause I think that anything else that’s talking about competing on the playing field that we’re on right now just doesn’t make sense. And I think we’re just seeing upheaval and messes everywhere in advertising and marketing and layoffs and ad strategies not working and, you know, like pulling back on ad spend and streaming services. You know, like just everything’s in a big shift and it just says to me like we’re about to settle on something big. And it’s happening. And it’s interesting like, you know, I even had, when I spoke with you guys about the importance of Web3 and such is that… You need to put on 14-year-old goggles. You just need to step into like what kids are doing. I mean I think most of our… Most of the people in our industry have children. If they just look at what their kids are doing and they don’t recognize that that’s actually the platform that they need to be playing in and thinking about all the times and that the intuitive nature that these kids have when they put this stuff on. Like I have a demo system for Mira. And the difference between a seven-year-old and a 45-year-old? It’s like the 45-year-old has never been educated and the seven-year-old came in with a PhD on the thing. It’s just finding thumbs and controls and just getting used to, whoa! And I’m, you know, like that, and then kids are just like I just click stuff and I go, right? And so that’s what brands have to explain which is like you have to just make it so that these folks can come in and just figure it out and go and not make it overly complex and not change much of what you’ve done throughout your own history. Just cater it to this new sort of physical realm. It’s just synthesizers. Again, it’s just you’re still playing music. You just went from acoustic to using like orchestras at your fingers. It just means you’re doing it a little faster, more efficiently, et cetera. But also don’t be scared ’cause these tools are just bonkers what’s happening right now. AI mixed in with these visual tools.
Tessa Burg: Yeah. No, I agree. It is really exciting. And so Limore, thanks so much for being our guest today. And we have a lot to digest. So if you want to hear this episode again or see the transcript so you can pick up some of the tools that Limore shared, definitely visit our podcast page on LinkedIn. Search for Leader Generation podcast. Or visit modop.com and we will have all the tools there. There was Cardstack, Epic, pixel streaming, lots of terms that might be completely new to the audience. So as Limore said, start educating yourself. Think about what that strategy would be. Digitizing your physical world so you can get the most benefit out of what’s to come next in metaverse. And get a headset for Christmas. Now everyone has one Christmas gift down. Just get everyone on your list a headset and then that will expedite how many people you can get into your brand experience.
Limore Shur: That is absolutely my goal is putting as many people in these headsets. I’ve been having soirees on Thursdays and having people in my network come over and just put on the headset. And their mind completely shifts. That is honestly the single most important thing you do. Put it on, experience this stuff, and then you’ll just go like okay, my mind works in this space now.
Tessa Burg: Yeah.
Limore Shur: Like what you’ve always done.
Tessa Burg: I agree, that’s very similar to the experience, we had like a company party and just made, had everyone put it on. And so much fun. And very immersive and even your not-headset conversations become more rich.
Limore Shur: They really do.
Tessa Burg: When you come out of an experience that’s been centralized to you.
Limore Shur: 100% Nailed it.
Tessa Burg: So Limore, if people wanted to get in touch with you and talk to you more about this, how can they reach you?
Limore Shur: Easiest thing would be probably to email me at [email protected]. [email protected]. Yeah, reach out. Or find me on LinkedIn.
Tessa Burg: Awesome, and Limore is spelled L-I-M-O-R-E. And Shur is S-H-U-R.
Limore Shur: That’s right.
Tessa Burg: Perfect. All right, well thanks again.
Limore Shur: My pleasure.
Tessa Burg: We’ll be talking more about this soon in a panel discussion.
Limore Shur: I love it.
Tessa Burg: So, if anyone has questions feel free, direct message me, and we will cover that in the panel.
Limore Shur
Creative Partner

Limore Shur is a Creative Partner who provides marketing consulting services. He’s worked with Fortune 500 CEOs, executive committees and business paragons, providing his unique perspective to the potential of a business/product and out-of-the-box solutions. Limore has also envisioned significant advertising campaigns, directed commercials, developed brand strategy and roadmaps, making him a truly innovative creative mind.