Personalize Marketing With Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Panel Discussion
Does reliance on artificial intelligence and technology make marketers less creative?
No. On the contrary, technology enhances creativity. It fuels the creative process with data.
Some people think that data is counterintuitive to creativity. But it isn’t. Rather than relying strictly on gut feelings or subjective opinions, we can use data to validate big ideas. Artificial intelligence helps us make better creative decisions.
Technology provides a level of certainty to creative ideas and marketing campaigns that help increase their successful. And when campaigns are successful, creatives look like rock stars.
Where are AI content platforms in terms of adoption?
AI and language processing is still in the early adoption phase. Some marketers are using simple AI tools with specific capabilities to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Two examples are subject line or blog title generators.
However, true language processing tools are in their infancy in terms of adoption. Marketers have only just begun to tap into the endless capabilities.
What is preventing marketers from using AI for content creation?
One primary blocker is that AI is outside the comfort zone for many marketers. AI has the ability to go WAY beyond A/B testing. It can automate the creation of many copy variations to test and determine what resonates most.
All these automated copy variations made many leaders and members of a company’s legal department nervous. They’re not comfortable with the idea of automated content generation that doesn’t run through the typical layers of approval.
We may not see widespread adoption until marketers are comfortable with artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the technology’s ability to identify patterns, automate copy variations and test them.
Are there specific industries that benefit most from language processing platforms for content generation?
No. Any industry can benefit from using artificial intelligence to personalize messaging. Plus, it can be used by virtually every department in an organization, from leadership and sales to marketing and customer service. And for marketers, there are benefits to personalizing messaging throughout the customer journey. That includes top-of-funnel lead generation to bottom-of-funnel retention and everything in between.
Will artificial intelligence replace human jobs?
AI is only capable of performing repetitive (and often boring) tasks. It lacks creativity. AI may take over some marketing functions. But technology isn’t a replacement for humans.
Instead, AI is a tool that will free up marketers’ time. It will allow us to focus on the strategic and creative tasks that only humans have the capability to complete.
In the end, AI will help make our lives a little easier, our jobs more enjoyable and help us achieve better marketing results.
Tessa Burg: Hello, and thanks for joining us for another Office Hours with Tenlo, we have the same group as we did for our inaugural episode. Tom, Cheryl and Abbey are joining us once again, and we are going to discuss our interview with Amy Heidersbach from Persado. She’s the CMO and this tool is really endlessly interesting, but where I wanna start is Cheryl, as a creative does relying on technology make us less creative.
Cheryl Boehm: That’s really easy to answer. No. No I believe technology really makes us more creative. And in that conversation that I had with Amy, you know, we talked so much about AI and language processing and those different technologies and tools really allow us to bring more data into the creative process. And some people think that like data is counterintuitive to creativity, but it really isn’t. It, you know, rather than relying on only like gut feelings or subjective opinions, we can now use that data to help, you know, validate those big ideas that we have and really to help drive our decision-making. And what’s also great about all of this technology is that it provides a level of certainty to campaigns and really helps them be more successful. And let’s be real when campaigns are more successful, it makes creative teams look like rock stars. So technology like AI, machine learning, language processing, really these just enhance the creative process.
Tom Madrilejos: Yeah. I got to listen to the episode, and I thought it was so fascinating having spent time on the creative side. Now I do have a question that applies to both Tessa and Cheryl. So feel free to jump in either of you, but in your opinions from the technology side and from the creative side, where do you think AI content platforms are in terms of adoption today with marketers.
Cheryl Boehm: I’ll start with this one. I think we’re still in early adoption, just like any evolution of marketing. You know, some marketers are more sophisticated, and they adopt faster than others, but as far as like AI and language processing, it’s still in that early adoption phase where we’re starting to see some marketers using more simplified tools that maybe have very specific and limited capabilities, you know, like subject line generators or blog title generators, which help with the efficiency of content creation.
Cheryl Boehm: But then when we get into like true language processing tools, that is really more in its infancy, as far as adoption, where we’ve only really began to tap into all of the endless capabilities of that. And what’s great is, you know, those more sophisticated tools can be used throughout the customer journey, by everyone in the organization, from the marketing team to the sales team, to customer service. And I think, you know, it’s here, but not everyone is really using the technology to its full capacity yet.
Tessa Burg: Yeah. I agree with Cheryl and one blocker to the adoption is people being comfortable with that the copy, the variation of creative, not everything is approved by everyone. Like I think that marketers sort of need to get over themselves and the legal departments need to set parameters that can be followed by a smart machine, but not think that it’s going to stay the way of like, we’re all gonna approve every single little execution because that really, again, assumes that we know better. And we don’t. Like that’s the whole point of using machine learning is to pick up those patterns and those combinations that we couldn’t have done on our own.
Tessa Burg: So Cheryl, you said something really interesting and question came in while you were talking. So I’m going to go back to your answer about who’s adopting this and are there specific industries that you think are benefiting from this the most and specifically language processing platforms for content generation?
Cheryl Boehm: Well, what is interesting is that really any industry can benefit from it. I mentioned earlier that there are applications throughout the customer journey from sales and creating emails to prospects, and then for the marketing team in lead generation and content creation, and then even retention for customer service, you know, keeping up in building those loyal customers and just like there’s applications throughout the organization and throughout the customer journey, there are applications in every single industry. It can be used to create personalized messaging, no matter what industry you’re in. And like I said, we’re just really starting to tap into that, and you know, the sky’s the limit.
Abbey Holbrook: Yeah, absolutely. All right. And Cheryl, so we have a question that just came in and I think whoever wrote this they were probably here for the last Office Hours that we did. So shout out to you, but the question is what’s your favorite highlight from the episode?
Cheryl Boehm: Oh that’s a tough one. I feel like every episode we record is my new favorite episode because our guests are just so outstanding, and they bring such great insights and value.
Cheryl Boehm: So there were just so many great takeaways from this episode, but probably my favorite is I asked Amy, you know, if the robots were taking over and whether or not technology would put, you know, our jobs at risk. And I loved her response. She said, you know, AI machine learning, language processing, all of this technology is really designed to tackle those repeatable and boring tasks that let’s be honest, none of us enjoy and really, you know, give us more time and energy to devote on the things that we enjoy doing those really strategic and creative tasks that only humans have that capability to do.
Cheryl Boehm: So, you know, technology is not a replacement for humans, the robots aren’t taking over, it really, you know, it’s a definite tool that is just going to make our lives better and our jobs more fun and get us better results.
Abby Holbrook: Absolutely.
Cheryl Boehm: So I don’t see any more questions coming in. So I feel like maybe we could wrap up this.
Tessa Burg: Before we close. Tom, do you have any other questions or thoughts? I know.
Tom Madrilejos: On the episode, no. Nothing in particular. I just thought it was… I really liked the point she made about these new technologies offering us the chance to be more whole brain. And so not having to put yourself into the bucket of being a right brain creative or like she said the left brain marketing analyst. So we should be thinking more going forward as all of us are a data worker of some sort and leadership cultivates this kind of mindset going forward. I couldn’t agree more. But listen to the episode you get to hear it directly from Cheryl and Amy.
Tessa Burg: Yeah. I love that. So visit, click on podcasts. You’ll see the list of all of the podcasts episodes specifically this one is totally worth checking out along with the other AI episode. Actually we have a couple, with Paul Roetzer. We have one with Will Salcido, from Bedrock Analytics. And we hope that you find them inspiring and start working in your whole brain and test some of these tools out to really drive performance in 2022.
Tessa Burg: So thank you so much, Cheryl, for hosting that episode and thank you for everyone for attending this week’s Office Hours. We’ll have them every other week. So visit, register, submit an idea and we hope to hear from you soon. Bye.
Panel Discussion
Guest Panel:
Cheryl Boehm | Director of Copywriting at Mod Op
Tom Madrilejos | Product Strategist at Mod Op
Abigail Holebrook | Ad Operations at Mod Op
Tessa Burg | Host of Lead(er) Generation | Senior Vice President of Technology at Mod Op
How To Personalize Marketing With AI-Generated Language & Content

Explore language personalization using artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions.
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